Effectiveness of Isometric Exercise in the Management of Tendinopathy
The paper, "Effectiveness of Isometric Exercise in the Management of Tendinopathy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomised Trials" (Clifford et al., 2020), provides a comprehensive analysis of isometric exercises in tendinopathy rehabilitation. https://bmjopensem.bmj.com/content/6/1/e000760 Here’s an overview aimed at manual therapists with key findings and practical implications based on the study. Summary of Study Objectives and Methods The study investigates whether isometric exercises are more effective than other interventions, such as isotonic exercises and ice therapy, for managing tendinopathy, a common musculoskeletal condition impacting tendons in various regions (e.g., rotator cuff, patellar, Achilles). Given the widespread clinical interest in isometric exercises, particularly after the 2015 findings suggesting pain reduction in patella tendinopathy, this paper systematically reviews randomised controlled trials (RCTs) to determine the broader efficac...